Kevin Clark, Head of School at LMS, begins on July 1, 2023.

Dear Prospective Families,

When I began the process of getting to know Lexington Montessori School, the phrase “humble excellence” came to me, and it has become the lens through which I see the school. It is a school in which interactions between faculty and students resonates with mutual respect and care. In hallways and classrooms, abundant examples of student-initiated projects and undertakings exemplify collaborative, experiential learning. School events are fantastic, and their preparation signify a strong community that enjoys working together. The complementary balance of the farming program and the expansive natural acreage imbues the community with nature-based learning.

In addition to being an excellent Montessori school, LMS is a values-driven school. It’s a school that recognizes that the children attending today will be the grown ups of tomorrow, and growing up LMS is a force of good for the future. Strongly committed to Diversity and Social Justice, LMS actively incorporates equity and access into all it does, from ongoing professional development to looking through the filters of belonging and inclusiveness. At LMS students, from their earliest years, engage in exploration, collaboration and experiential learning. They engage in sustainability processes such as composting and farming. In short, with outstanding academics, LMS also develops the traits parents most want to see in their children, traits that prepare them for the challenges of the future.

Thank you for taking the time to consider a Montessori education for your family at Lexington Montessori School. Well ahead of her times, Maria Montessori envisioned, tested, and implemented an approach to learning that enables children to construct their individual understanding of academics, community, and their world by way of interacting with their learning environment and the people in it.

I welcome you to our website. I hope the information that you find here piques your interest, and that you soon find yourself at LMS in person, seeing the amazing things that happen in our classrooms. Only visiting our school can give you a true glimpse of the potential it holds for your child. I hope to welcome you on campus as you begin to understand what Lexington Montessori School can do, not only for your child, but for your whole family.

I congratulate you on taking this first step. A school does not only admit students; rather, schools admit families. I discovered Montessori education when I was a new father. I can tell you that I am a different father than I would have been, and my family is a different family because of how Montessori education affected us. I wish every family could have such a positive influence in their lives.

Montessori education is founded upon self-directed, experiential, and project-based learning in multi-age classrooms where children lead both from the front and from the middle. LMS provides a nurturing environment in which strong social-emotional skills seamlessly develop in tandem with outstanding academics.

Please, give us a call. Send us an email. Join us for a tour or an open house. We are eager to help you discover your child's potential within the LMS community.

Kevin Clark,
Head of School